Fred Glick, a Broker, Real Estate Realist, and Founder of Arrivva, holds a stellar track record with over $2 billion in residential transactions while grounded in a lifelong passion for real estate. René Pérez Jr. is an adept Broker and Pricing Savant, who specializes in strategic problem-solving and long-term growth.
Join Fred Glick, and René Pérez Jr., in the We Fixed Real Estate podcast by Arrivva where they share their expertise and insights in the constantly evolving landscape of real estate. Arrivva is a comprehensive real estate and mortgage brokerage, catering to qualified, motivated buyers, sellers, and mortgagees with a commitment to brokering with love, integrity, knowledge, a well-defined plan, and a transparent flat fee structure.
Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:
- The surge in attention towards the innovative brokerage model characterized by fixed fees and high-end service
- The significant transformations underway in the real estate industry
- Insights into how real estate brokers are adapting their revenue models amidst changes in buyer broker fees
- Addressing the fears of first-time homebuyers and buyers regarding buyer broker fees
- Dig deeper into the inefficiencies in real estate transactions, critiquing the lack of value provided by some agents relative to their commissions
- Scrutinize the escalating fees by escrow companies, particularly those affiliated with real estate giants like Keller Williams
- Explore the advancements in 3D printed architecture revolutionizing home construction
In this episode with Fred Glick and René Pérez Jr.
Join Fred Glick, along with René Pérez Jr., in exploring the dynamic shifts and innovative approaches transforming the real estate landscape. From pioneering fixed fees and high-end service models to navigating the latest developments in buyer broker fees and MLS listing agreements, Fred and René offer expert insights and practical advice.
Be well-informed about transparent commissions, the impact of emerging technologies on construction, and the need for consumer empowerment in today’s evolving market. Tune in to stay ahead of the curve and uncover the future of real estate.
[00:00:00] Drew Thomas Hendricks: Hello, everyone. Welcome to We Fixed Real Estate. Today, we have Fred Glick and René Pérez on the show. Welcome to the show, Fred.
[00:00:08] Fred Glick: Howdy, everybody.
[00:00:09] René Pérez Jr.: Hello.
[00:00:10] Drew Thomas Hendricks: How’s it going, René? So, gosh, this has been a monumental shift over the last seven days. You guys have, like, reached, like, instant fame for something you’ve been preaching for years.
Fred, why don’t you fill us in on this?
[00:00:22] Fred Glick: Well, 2017 is when I started doing fixed fees in the Bay Area, and now obviously it’s spread to all over California, Washington, Texas, and Pennsylvania and soon to be in some other states. But we, I got contacted by a reporter of the Wall Street Journal, and she said what she was doing, and this was before last Friday stuff. So keep that in mind.
[00:00:47] Drew Thomas Hendricks: Yeah, I remember that.
[00:00:48] Fred Glick: She said, “I’m doing a story on alternative types of brokerages that aren’t doing the standard realtor way to do it, the two and a half percent.” You know, I had a, something that was a fixed fee. One question she asked me, she says, who’s your competition?
And I said, I don’t know of any, there’s nobody I know of doing a fixed fee with high-end service working through Slack, having just brokers run the deals. I mean, we’re kind of an anomaly. And I think the model really works and it’s shown. So they did a brief article. They got one of our people who were both a buyer and a seller with us to put a comment in, which is good.
And that was great. And then from that, I got a phone call from ABC News, the reporter who you didn’t even see in the report. And because she saw the article and we talked about different things and what’s going to change and she got a hold of one of our buyers and a cute little thing in the park.
It’s kind of cute. So, our phone’s been blowing up people over the country. Hey, do you do this in Florida? Are you in New York? Are you in, where else do we get Idaho,
[00:02:12] René Pérez Jr.: Tennessee.
[00:02:13] Fred Glick: Tennessee? Right? Right. So, you know, obviously, we’re not licensed there, but we’re making friends. I’m taking names and who knows where we’ll be and what, but I actually had somebody said, how do I get out of a listing contract that I just signed?
Because I didn’t know about you guys, you know, I, I don’t know. I’m not going to get in the middle of that, but it’s unfortunate, but we’ve had some good conversations with people and explaining to them in detail, giving them my favorite word, the context of what we do, and how we do it differently. And I won’t go into all that on the podcast, but you can go to and find out all that info.
[00:03:00] Drew Thomas Hendricks: And listen to the past podcast, because we do talk about context quite a lot on the show.
[00:03:04] Fred Glick: Yeah. Yeah. And you know, what’s interesting, and this might be a podcast down the road is I think the very first podcast I did like three or four years ago, I said, “How to be an Arrivva buyer.”
And we need to redo that, seller too. But buyer is important because it’s all going to change. So let me go into what you think you’ve heard, what the reality is, and kind of the update. This is March 21st. So it was done last Friday. Go on TikTok and Instagram and everywhere and Twitter. And these agents are screaming.
I had one that blames the Biden administration for screwing buyers. It’s like, dude, seriously, really for years and years and years, you’ve been screwing buyers and sellers. And guess what? The justice department got involved. Lawyers got involved. Why do you think there was these billions of dollar judgments against the agents, it’s like, yeah, it’s Biden’s fault.
Really? Morons. Just absolute morons. Anyway, so here’s the story. Last Friday, the NAR announced they had a settlement agreement on the one class action suit, the Sitzer suit, and they were covering all the small brokerages and all the realtor-owned multiple listing services. Okay. There’s a distinction.
There’s some that are owned by the brokers themselves, like up in Washington, but the whole thing is if the judge approves it and by the way, there’s about 16 companies who have to opt into this who haven’t decided what they’re doing, including Compass and a couple and a bunch of the big ones, Berkshire Hathaway.
So we don’t know if they’re going to be included in this or not, but the MLS is hard. Here’s the, this is the key to the whole thing. Around somewhere in July allegedly, when we put a listing, anybody puts a listing up in the MLS right now, we can put how much compensation is the seller paying to the buyer broker.
And, you know, it’s the 3 and the 2 and a half percent that everybody talks about, but that’s not required. It’s all 100 percent negotiable. And it’s going to be eliminated, so there’s going to be nothing in there to allow for the seller to directly pay the buyer broker, but here’s the good buttons. Let’s take an example, you and your buyer agent, by the way, your buyer agent has to have a written contract with you for what they’re going to get paid.
Like, we’ve had forever and by the way, it is law in the state of Washington as of January 1st. But we’ve been following it and our insurance company requires it and we don’t want to work with anybody if you’re not on a contract, we want everybody to know what the terms and conditions are. So, for example, right now, in California, our form, which is approved by the California Association of Realtors, which will be rewritten I’m sure, says we take 9750 at the close of escrow. Never anything up front.
If you have an agent wants money up front, run. No matter what you’ve signed, run. And you currently get the rest of the buyer broker fee, whatever it is. And there’s different things you can do with it, like, make it part of your offer, take it cash for a tax free afterwards, et cetera, et cetera.
Well, in the future, it’s just going to say that number. So let’s say, let’s just make up some numbers. So we have a buyer and they’re paying 9750 and they want to buy this house for a million dollars and seller agrees, you know, theoretically, you know, you have to put it in writing, but in theory, so the buyer says, “Hey, You know what, can you have the seller paid the buyer broker fee?”
So let’s make it a 1,009,750 sale price. So now I can go and the buyer can go and finance 80 percent of that. So they’re financing their buyer broker fee over the long term now, the property has to appraise and that’s another problem that everybody’s going to run into, but I’m not going to go into the details of that at this point, but remember that surprise, surprise everyone, the real estate appraiser knows the sale price before they do the appraisal of the property. So surprise, surprise, most of the appraisals come in at the sale price. So anyway, so that’s one way that this is going to be circumvented. And you know what, that’s going to work for people who just can’t scrape the money together.
200,000 dollar FHA with 100 percent gift, and then they have to pay, let’s say, 6, 000 in a buyer broker fee. They just throw it into the sale price and they finance it in. So that’s what’s going to happen in those lower-priced properties. And that’s kind of the sort of solution, because it’s a negotiable thing, but kind of everybody’s kind of going to do it and we’re going to fall into this pattern.
And it’s sort of kind of going to be the same. I’m saying sort of kind of, because it’s not approved by the judge, the other companies aren’t tied in. So there’s no definitive plan to say, this is how it’s going to be, but that’s kind of the generic overview. Now, 2nd, part of all this is the real estate brokers who are, you know, the biggies and all that are figuring scrambling, how are they going to make money?
Cause the buyer broker fee, which should be interesting to see, like most companies had a minimum commission of two and a half percent. So are they going to make it? You have to get two and a half percent. We don’t know. We’re not going to do that obviously, but now what they’re going to say is, well, we’re going to have to do different kind of marketing on the property. It’s going to be different.
So we’re going to start charging more money to list your house. And I got an example of something and I Slack this to you Drew so you can put this up in the video, this chart, a sample of choose your marketing plan. Now, this is from a big brokerage. I won’t say who, and I won’t say, and this was given to me by somebody who was on a big call with all these big brokers about maybe this is the way it’s going to work, but, you know, up to 5 percent to list your house. It’s like,
[00:09:24] Drew Thomas Hendricks: Do you want to screen-share this thing?
[00:09:27] Fred Glick: We can do that.
[00:09:28] Drew Thomas Hendricks: It is very interesting. 3 percent. So it’s a plan based on the sale price of the house for value-added services.
[00:09:36] Fred Glick: Yeah.
[00:09:37] Drew Thomas Hendricks: So there it is. So who knows?
2 percent of 3 percent of 4 percent and a 5 percent plan for those people that are listening.
And basically on 3 percent, the agent pays all the marking. And then 4 percent you get virtual tours, 5 percent you get home staging and consultation, a dedicated website. They always throw that.
[00:09:58] Fred Glick: Ooh. So at the 5 percent, we do drones. We do staging, we do the website for the property. We do absolutely everything and we’re at 15,750 dollars plus we order all the inspections.
I mean, I’m sorry to toot our own horn here, but we’re going to blow the, the doors away on the, on these people. It’s silly.
[00:10:21] René Pérez Jr.: Well, because this plan, if you look at it from, it’s just, you know, the bare skeleton it make sense, but I think it should always be on a structure of if you get more, you pay more, but here’s the disgusting issue with this plan here, you want to charge so much money.
And actually, if you can put the, the put the schedule, the – schedule up. Let’s say you’re getting a website. If you want to charge more for that, a website, where’s the website in this marketing plan?
[00:10:52] Drew Thomas Hendricks: 5 percent.
[00:10:54] René Pérez Jr.: 5 percent and it’s not on the 4 percent.
[00:10:56] Drew Thomas Hendricks: No, local advertising is in 4 percent.
[00:10:58] René Pérez Jr.: Okay.
[00:10:59] Fred Glick: Whatever that means.
[00:11:00] René Pérez Jr.: Okay. A website, a domain name will cost at the most a 100 dollars. And I am saying this.
[00:11:07] Drew Thomas Hendricks: No matter what domain name you’re buying, they’re like 12
[00:11:09] Fred Glick: bucks.
They’re like 12.
[00:11:10] René Pérez Jr.: Exactly. Well, but that’s what I mean though. Right? Like if you want to buy a .ai domain name, that’s why I want to keep it open. Right?
You can’t buy expensive domain names. But for the most part, a standard address is going to cost between 12 to 40 dollars. That’s the standard. So to say, “Oh, you have to pay 1 percent more to get a domain name.” it’s ridiculous.
[00:11:32] Fred Glick: It’s insanity. The whole thing is insanity.
[00:11:34] René Pérez Jr.: But I see, I see a future. No, because I think one of the struggles with the commission system is that a lot of agents don’t get paid for a lot of the work they do.
Right? I think nobody can disagree with that. Agents run around, run around and they don’t get compensated. The problem is that these, that agents should not make other buyers pay for the flaws of other customers that don’t actually end up buying or selling a property. Right.
That’s just I think it’s, I think nobody can really disagree with that. Right. And I think the, what should happen is a more transparent actually expense and cost to your presentation. So I think this is ridiculous. This is insane, but at least kind of putting like a plan of like, okay, it’s changing.
Now, one thing that Fred mentioned earlier of commissions always being negotiable. I see in almost every social media post that, that commissions have always been negotiable, but that’s not really true.
[00:12:33] Fred Glick: Well, the commissions have always been negotiable, but they didn’t negotiate them.
[00:12:37] René Pérez Jr.: Well, that’s what I mean, though. That’s what I mean, though. They should have always been negotiable, but agents do everything they can to say, “Oh, well, I, this is just my commission. That’s it.” Right?
[00:12:47] Fred Glick: Yeah. Or this is normal. Everybody charges the same. Exactly. Can’t that anymore.
[00:12:55] René Pérez Jr.: So when agents say, “Oh, commissions have always been negotiable,” then, okay, then where is your historic, you know, posts while saying that you have different plans of your commission? Right. And actually being transparent of why exactly you’re charging them. I mean, right here for, for yard signs. Why not have every single item, you know, really, really transparently priced? And I know it’s more difficult.
Everybody wants simplicity and that’s why it probably hasn’t been done, but I think that’s the only real future that we can really kind of have, you know, people, people should pay right for the, for the actual cost of things. That’s just transparency.
[00:13:32] Drew Thomas Hendricks: Well, and people should pay for the price, cost of things.
But I’m looking at this chart here, and every one of these plans, the seller is gonna pick the 2 percent to the 5 percent, but the person that isn’t even involved in the sale, the buyer brokers that’s responsible for the fee. So you’re, it’s not even the selling agent that’s responsible.
[00:13:49] Fred Glick: No. This is the, the fee to list your property. This is for sellers.
[00:13:53] Drew Thomas Hendricks: But it says buyer broker is responsible for all the fees.
[00:13:57] Fred Glick: Yeah. For their buyer broker fees. Yeah, that’s what it means.
[00:14:01] Drew Thomas Hendricks: Not the marketing plan fee?
[00:14:03] Fred Glick: Right? It’s not involved. Yeah, it’s not in there. It’s just costing you to list the property. 5 percent. Can you imagine? Oh, and speaking of overpaying for marketing their house.
René, go ahead, slam them.
[00:14:17] René Pérez Jr.:
[00:14:17] Fred Glick: Remember what you posted something on LinkedIn about somebody with a very large property?
[00:14:24] René Pérez Jr.: And yeah, so, so before I get to that, so don’t make me, don’t let me forget about that.
[00:14:29] Fred Glick: Okay.
[00:14:29] René Pérez Jr.: I want to make one huge mention, right? A lot of first-time homebuyers and a lot of buyers, in general, think that this is going to negatively affect them because now they’re responsible for the buyer broker fee. But the reality is that every consumer that’s purchasing property has always paid for the buyer broker fee. Except that in the past, you haven’t had a chance to negotiate that commission.
You were forced into this idea that, oh, the seller pays the commission, but it’s always been that the real truth is that the seller pays a commission with the buyer’s money. That is the actual true statement.
[00:15:08] Fred Glick: So that’s why we do the rebate. We’re just giving you back part of the purchase price.
[00:15:13] René Pérez Jr.: So, yeah, so if you still want to pay the buyer broker 2.5 percent, you can still make the seller pay that 2.5 percent fee. But now it’s going to be a matter of like, is that how you want to use your money? Because the seller doesn’t care about the commissions. The seller cares about the net price that you get after they, after they sell the house.
[00:15:31] Fred Glick: That’s right. Net, net, net, net. It’s simple mathematics, which most agents can’t even conceive of. That’s the other problem. So, yeah. All right. Go ahead, René.
[00:15:43] René Pérez Jr.: With that being said, and, you know, I’m going to, I’m going to have you correct the name here, Fred because you’re, you’re better at. Saying names there’s a
[00:15:50] Fred Glick: Andreessen. Let me say
[00:15:54] René Pérez Jr.: Marc Andreessen, one, I mean, he is just a well-known billionaire. I mean, he’s created a bunch of
[00:16:02] Fred Glick: That guy. Yes.
[00:16:04] René Pérez Jr.: Yeah. Now I wanted to bring, bring that transaction, for example as a prime example, really of what’s wrong with the real estate market. He put his house in Atherton on sale for 33.7 million two days ago. Now, I know that agents do a lot of work.
Now, if you see this listing and I’m missing a lot of context here, but if you see this listing, there’s no 3D Matterport. There’s no floor plan. There’s, I don’t even know what is it, right? So I don’t know what this agent is being paid for, right? But even, even at this price point, there’s no real open houses. Right. Everything’s –
[00:16:44] Fred Glick: There wouldn’t be, you know, on an open house.
[00:16:47] René Pérez Jr.: Of course, of course, but, but exactly. So for that case, since there’s going to be no open houses, is that agent getting paid less? Probably not. When that agent negotiated that commission, he probably said, well, you know what, the listing commission is 2 to 6 percent, right?
So what it, what it ended up being is, I mean, I don’t know what the listing agent is getting paid. But what I do know on the MLS is that they are offering a 2 percent commission for the sale, which if they get the the sale price of 33.7 million, the commission is 660,000.
[00:17:24] Fred Glick: And if we find a buyer, you get all that except the 9750.
[00:17:28] René Pérez Jr.: Yeah. But regardless of what you charge, right? I think the commission issue is in a, in the, in a lot of these big markets like California. I understand that 3 percent is fair in markets like the Midwest. I think a lot of agents
[00:17:44] Fred Glick: Low price property. Yeah.
[00:17:45] René Pérez Jr.: Sure. For a property that’s worth that’s in the price point of 300, 400K.
But when you get to these multi-million dollar properties. And you’re getting more than a 2 years’ worth of salary for a doctor. I think something is messed up. Right?
[00:18:01] Fred Glick: well, I’m calling out Mark Andreessen to tell his buyer broker to change it. Make it a flat fee, do something, but you’re wasting 600,000. It’s like really?
[00:18:12] René Pérez Jr.: And I know
[00:18:12] Fred Glick: The listing agent sells it. He’s going to double-pop it and make both sides of the commission.
[00:18:19] René Pérez Jr.: And any investor, I mean, and, and some, sometimes people will say, oh, well, if you have a lot of money, you don’t care about money, that’s not true. If you made money, it’s because you’ve known how to make sure that you get the best investment you can.
And right now. Marc Andreessenis moving 2 million dollars just in fees that they shouldn’t have to.
[00:18:40] Drew Thomas Hendricks: Now this house may go, this house may sell, and there may not be any more work done to him. What about all these houses, like in Beverly Hills that are like 88 million and companies like the agency’s saying like,
[00:18:50] Fred Glick: And they’re on selling sunset or selling stupid or one of them.
[00:18:54] Drew Thomas Hendricks: They’re doing this 100,000 video.
[00:18:56] René Pérez Jr.: It is BS. But here there’s more of this context, right? Like sometimes agents will say, “Oh, well, I’m going to market the house differently. I’m going to host this party and I’m putting 100,000 in just this party.” Well, what if you don’t do that party?
You know, I think if you’re going to use a lot of that commission in order to market the home, I think it should be used efficiently. I’ve never seen anyone say that I’m going to market the home by putting signs at airports. Where I know that a lot of executives are going to see the houses. No, it’s always some BS party where the agent gets to say, look at my listing to market themselves.
So I think it’s, it should be fair to have an action plan. That’s actually going to legitimately help that the consumer. If you’re spending a hundred thousand dollars in Google ads for the home. Okay, fine. You know, that 2 percent might make sense. But I think when, when it’s there, there’s just a blanket statement of, “Oh, well, I’m just going to have this great marketing done without actually a cost estimate.”
I think that’s, that’s what’s wrong.
[00:19:59] Fred Glick: I think we need to total this podcast. Marc Andreessen we love you. You, you a brilliant dude. But –
[00:20:07] René Pérez Jr.: No, no. I, I think, I think that he is a victim. He’s a victim.
[00:20:13] Fred Glick: Good word.
[00:20:15] René Pérez Jr.: He has been getting lied to by agents saying that if he doesn’t put,
[00:20:19] Drew Thomas Hendricks: Allegedly, yeah.
[00:20:20] René Pérez Jr.: No. Well, I, this is not an, this is not an allegation. No, I know for a fact. That he’s being lied to because he’s being lied to by the, by the mass media.
[00:20:29] Fred Glick: Because no agent will show the property and let you pay a certain percentage. Is that
[00:20:35] René Pérez Jr.: Well, no, It’s happened to us. It’s happened to us, right?
Where agents, where sellers come to us saying, well, but if I don’t offer that 2.5 percent fee, like, aren’t there people are not going to come see that property. So people already come with that mentality and people rather not risk that because me as a, me as a listing agent, I tell, but I tell sellers that risk, right?
Because that does exist. I know agents, I’ve talked to hundreds of thousands of agents who say they won’t show a property.
[00:21:05] Fred Glick: And that shows the property and you’re only paying. Yeah, we had one where we’re paying 1 quarter and a guy calls me up and says, well, what’s the story here? I don’t want to waste my time. You know, it’s only for 1 and a quarter percent.
[00:21:15] René Pérez Jr.: So exactly.
[00:21:16] Fred Glick: I said, “Dude, really? Have you talked to that? Would you like us to call the justice department? So they can come and talk to you?”
[00:21:25] René Pérez Jr.: Mark is a victim of knowing that there’s a chance that agents that some agents won’t show the property if he doesn’t offer to 2 percent commission, but I can guarantee you that any buyer would not want to pay that much of a buyer broker fee to get represented in the transaction.
[00:21:43] Fred Glick: This is coming into my brain just now, but this is an alert. This is going to happen. In Southern California, where you have separate escrow companies from title, which you don’t have to have. We use a combined fidelity national that does escrow and title, one person, everything’s fine.
But these escrow companies that are owned by the Keller Williams of the world where we had dealt with, and they were charging like 68000 dollars for our side of the transaction and doing the same on the other side, you’re going to see them jacking up the prices of escrow companies. So it’s insanity. And here’s the story in Los Angeles County the seller picks the escrow company because of the way the deed is, and you can contact your real estate lawyer who can explain that all, but the bottom line is until we sign the contract for the buyer, then we get ahold of the escrow company. And then the escrow company, if we ask, tells us what the fees are. And it’s like, the fees are out of their mind and they charge 5 percentage some of them too. It’s like, they’re not doing any more work.
It’s not any more liability. It’s a bunch of crap. So that’s another profit center. That’s going to get jacked up. Insanity. We don’t want to own an escrow company. We don’t want anything to do with it. We’d like fidelity national. They can, big company, get things done. We’ve got a great agent there. So, oh, we go on and on and on and on about this, but let’s, let’s move on to another harrowing thing.
[00:23:17] Drew Thomas Hendricks: Let’s talk about the 3d printed architecture.
[00:23:20] Fred Glick: I saw this article and this thing was just Cool. Basically, I’ve always been thrilled by these 3D cement-printed places. Now they’re coming out, not only being able to print with multiple different types of material, but also they’re developing the software to basically be your architect. So you could say, I want a two-story house that I can put on a piece of land in a ski resort that’s going to have a separate bedroom on the 2nd floor and deck all the way around and a high-end kitchen. Boom. Yeah, AI designs it for you. It then not only designs it. Once you approve it, you can walk through it like a 3D matter port. You can tell it what colors you want.
It will then do all the specs, price everything out and then be able to construct it by 3d printer. It is so freaking awesome. And 2, 3, 4, 5 years from now, that’s going to be what Toll Brothers is going to do. They’re going to print a house in 15 minutes kind of thing. And it’s going to the end of the sticks and bricks. And the guys who are the construction guys should start looking for something else to do in a couple of years because there’s going to be no more, you know, even though lumber is efficient.
So they say, this is going to replace it. It really is. It’s going to be a pleasure. It’s going to be great for ADUs in California that everybody’s, the whole state’s been pushing the ADU, put an ADU together. And you know, really simply, the cities themselves have to adjust to it. They have to learn about it.
They have to approve these things.
[00:25:00] Drew Thomas Hendricks: Yeah. Isn’t this beautiful? I mean, they, it’s not what you think when you’re looking at 3D printed. It’s not like
[00:25:06] Fred Glick: 3D printed architecture is the way to put it. Yeah. Well, we’ll put a link in the show notes about where to go to see this, but it’s freaking cool fire resistant, water resistant. Put it up, put them up in Malibu so you don’t have to worry about the fires, you know. And that will leave this, this puts into the other thing with insurance. We’re, you know, as predicted, these insurance companies are not being kind here in California for getting new insurance. We had a deal this week where AAA said, we’re not going to insure it because we don’t like the age of the roof.
So they’re getting super duper picky. So what this is going to do is reduce the cost of insurance of a house like this because it doesn’t burn. So it’s all kind of good news eventually. So this stuff is coming. Hopefully we see it sooner rather than later.
[00:26:02] Drew Thomas Hendricks: Yeah, this is exciting. I can’t wait to start seeing these.
They look beautiful and they can only get more beautiful. They fit in with the landscape too.
[00:26:10] Fred Glick: And they’re cheaper than stick and brick construction. Oh my God, by a ton. Liability insurance comes down significantly for the builder. Labor comes down significantly. Costs of getting something. You need a door and you get these special doors made in somewhere.
You can’t get them because they had a train derailment. They just print it. You know, it’s great. Eventually, repair guys will be able to do that. You need a widget, cars, you need something, you just print it. So, it’ll be a beautiful world when that happens.
[00:26:45] René Pérez Jr.: That’s fantastic.
[00:26:46] Fred Glick: Yeah, so that’s a good thing to end on.
[00:26:49] Drew Thomas Hendricks: No, that’s a good, that’s a good one. René, what’s your good thing to end on?
[00:26:52] René Pérez Jr.: This conversation of commissions is not stopping anytime soon. I beg people to not just follow the, the latest article and think that’s the end of it all. It says to stay informed, know that commissions are beginning to finally be negotiable and that you can just get your own information because as a consumer, you’re probably going to always advocate for yourself more than anyone else.
Yeah, that’s my end. That’s my final note.
[00:27:25] Drew Thomas Hendricks: And you have a favorite for March Madness.
[00:27:28] René Pérez Jr.: No, I sadly haven’t had any time to look at sports.
[00:27:34] Drew Thomas Hendricks: I’m off to see Gonzaga play right now.
[00:27:36] Fred Glick: Right now. I see Tampa Bay and Winnipeg in the finals, so. Oh, wait, he’s talking basketball. Sorry.
[00:27:42] Drew Thomas Hendricks: Oh yeah. Yeah. Today’s basketball.
[00:27:47] Fred Glick: Okay. Hockey playoffs in a month.
[00:27:51] Drew Thomas Hendricks: Come up quick. Come on quickly. Well, we will feature that. So it’s been another episode of We Fixed Real Estate. Have a great weekend, everyone. And we will talk to you again next week.
[00:28:01] Fred Glick: Bye.