Fred Glick, a Broker, Real Estate Realist, and Founder of Arrivva, holds a stellar track record with over $2 billion in residential transactions while grounded in a lifelong passion for real estate. René Pérez Jr. is an adept Broker and Pricing Savant, who specializes in strategic problem-solving and long-term growth.
Join Fred Glick, and René Pérez Jr., in the We Fixed Real Estate podcast by Arrivva where they share their expertise and insights in the constantly evolving landscape of real estate. Arrivva is a comprehensive real estate and mortgage brokerage, catering to qualified, motivated buyers, sellers, and mortgagees with a commitment to brokering with love, integrity, knowledge, a well-defined plan, and a transparent flat fee structure.

Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:
- Insights about the CNBC article highlighting the growing trend of seniors choosing to age at home
- Strategies for navigating ‘aging in place’
- A deep dive into recent experiences in a competitive real estate market, highlighting buyer behavior and market trends
- The benefits and challenges of listing a property without a price
- Discussion on the post-home inspection process in real estate transactions
- Importance of obtaining actual repair quotes from contractors instead of relying solely on inspection reports
- The importance of good neighbor relations in real estate
- Advice for neighborhoods without HOAs
In this episode with Fred Glick and René Pérez Jr.
Join Fred Glick and René Pérez Jr. of Arrivva in this episode of “We Fixed Real Estate” as they tackle intriguing issues in the world of real estate, including the impacts of ‘aging in place’ on the real estate market. Delving into the CNBC article on seniors choosing to stay at home, the experts explore economic implications and offer strategies for homeowners. From home warranties to futuristic solutions, Fred and René provide valuable insights and stress the importance of professional advice.
The hosts gave a rundown of how to handle the twists and turns in the real estate market. They call out shady practices in the business and explore ideas like listing without a price while sharing tips on post-home inspection negotiations. Listen to another thought-provoking episode jam-packed with everything you need to know in navigating the real estate world!
[00:00:00] Drew Thomas Hendricks: Welcome to We Fixed Real Estate. I’m Drew Hendricks.
[00:00:02] Fred Glick: Freezing in Los Angeles. This is Fred Glick.
[00:00:05] René Pérez Jr.: From foggy San Francisco. This is René Pérez Jr.
[00:00:08] Fred Glick: René, is it foggy right now?
[00:00:10] René Pérez Jr.: It actually kind of is half of it, half of San Francisco.
[00:00:14] Drew Thomas Hendricks: This is unusual for this time of
[00:00:15] Fred Glick: It’s shocking that
[00:00:17] René Pérez Jr.: No, no, no. I mean, so I live where the fog like actually lives, you know, 24/7. So I live right by the beach.
[00:00:23] Drew Thomas Hendricks: Oh, you do? Oh, you’re on the West Side. Wow.
[00:00:27] René Pérez Jr.: So it’s always follow where I live.
[00:00:29] Drew Thomas Hendricks: How is the west side? I haven’t, I used to live out there, but it’s been about 20 years.
[00:00:33] René Pérez Jr.: I mean, it’s nice. I mean I can, it’s a three-minute run to the beach, right? So it’s a nice life.
[00:00:42] Drew Thomas Hendricks: I’m sorry. It depends on how fast you run.
[00:00:44] René Pérez Jr.: Yes, actually. Yeah, that is true. It probably takes me a little bit longer these days.
[00:00:48] Drew Thomas Hendricks: Well, now that you know, it’s probably, probably got it down to 2 minutes, 50 seconds.
[00:00:53] René Pérez Jr.: Yeah. Yeah. But no, I mean, it’s a different lifestyle than if you do live on the east side of San Francisco, right?
Because, you know, I’m more on the nice, smaller coffee shops.
[00:01:05] Fred Glick: You’re the suburbs.
[00:01:07] René Pérez Jr.: Yeah.
[00:01:08] Fred Glick: It really is, if you think about it. The west side of San Francisco. Mostly single-family homes. You know, mostly residential streets. You know. San Francisco’s laid out pretty, pretty interestingly.
You know, there are some streets like Clement, it’s just everything’s commercial. And that’s the way it was before we had supermarkets. And so since most Asian people live there, there are tons of Asian restaurants and grocery stores. It’s just the way things evolve, so.
[00:01:37] Drew Thomas Hendricks: And microclimate. I can’t think of one city that has more microclimate movements within a 7-mile by 7-mile area. It’ll be 75 degrees in the Marina and sunny and 55 out where you are.
[00:01:49] Fred Glick: Exactly.
[00:01:49] Drew Thomas Hendricks: We are here to talk to you about aging in place.
[00:01:53] Fred Glick: Okay, so there was an article that came out of CNBC this week, and we’ll post a link, of course, I’m sure it’s right below me, talking about residents who are aging in place instead of going into retirement homes, and in Laguna, access to care is trouble, I mean, it’s just a problem.
There’s not enough caretakers. The people are, you know, have to go in and stay in exactly the same house. And maybe you have to start moving the kids into there, or parents moving in together. But it’s still, what the thing is, it’s still, I got this dog problem. So, I gotta throw a ball. That’s what the ball’s been about.
Dogs sitting at the same time. Anyway, he’s a pain in the ass.
[00:02:52] Drew Thomas Hendricks: What’s his name?
[00:02:53] Fred Glick: Where? Where? What? Bodhi.
[00:02:55] Drew Thomas Hendricks: Oh, Bodhi. That’s the infamous Bodhi.
[00:02:57] Fred Glick: Like the surfer. Yeah. Oh, yeah. That’s the infamous Bodhi.
[00:03:01] Drew Thomas Hendricks: Well, hello Bodhi.
[00:03:02] Fred Glick: Annoying. Totally annoying.
[00:03:04] Drew Thomas Hendricks: But back to aging in place.
[00:03:06] Fred Glick: Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, the bottom line on the real estate side, we’re still going to have less houses because this didn’t happen years ago. Nursing homes were affordable. There’s time. I mean, you know, it’s sensitive. I’m not going to go into all that. I’m just talking the raw economics of this whole thing that it just, there’s less houses on the market and the likelihood that if they’re going to be living there with grandma now they’re probably going to keep the house and it’s never going to come on the market.
So supply and demand, it’s the only two words that mean anything. California real estate, basically that’s it.
[00:03:49] Drew Thomas Hendricks: I see how it’s going to definitely cause a supply crunch, but how would, how does someone navigate aging in place? We talked about rent back last episode, but this is more of an extended one because it could go on for 10, 15 years. Hopefully.
[00:04:02] Fred Glick: First thing I would probably say, it depends on who the kids are or grandkids, you know, how deep you want to get involved, but there are ways, for example, buy a ridiculously expensive home warranty, or a package plan with some kind of handyman service that they’ll come no matter what, they’ll fix everything for flat fee or flat fee per hour or something, you know, who knows, just to make things easier as security cameras alerts, you know, and that costs money, but it’s keeping people busy. I don’t know. Maybe that’s where you do a reverse mortgage. Get the money to do that with things that are still out there.
[00:04:59] Drew Thomas Hendricks: That could help pay for the mortgage. Help pay for care.
[00:05:04] Fred Glick: Yeah, but also they have to qualify. They have to have enough income to pay the taxes and the insurance. And things like that.
So there is a debt ratio they have to qualify for. It used to be, there wasn’t any and they figured, oh, they’ll just take the money out every month, but that got to be a bad situation.
[00:05:20] René Pérez Jr.: The other thing with that is see, you do even see houses in the market that are for sale that have an aging parent in place because the whole goal is, you know, we talk about cameras and it just doesn’t work out. It doesn’t pan out. It’s going to be more expensive to have a in-living care facility, a coordinator, or caregiver.
It’s going to be
[00:05:39] Fred Glick: Okay. But wait a second. I’ll bet somewhere in the Silicon Valley, someone has come up with the idea to have some talking in the future of a robot. Robot MD. That’s literally you put the robot in the house, they can do diagnostics.
[00:05:56] René Pérez Jr.: We are, we’re 15 years from that. So we’re talking about,
[00:05:59] Fred Glick: I know, but we’re in Silicon Valley.
[00:06:02] René Pérez Jr.: I mean, if. Yeah, but we’re in Silicon Valley. So people have really old.
[00:06:08] Fred Glick: I know we get everything ahead of time. Maybe there’ll be a knockoff version in seven years. Who knows?
[00:06:14] René Pérez Jr.: To the question.
[00:06:15] Fred Glick: I’m being silly.
[00:06:16] René Pérez Jr.: Yeah. I mean, there are like residential facilities, right? That do make it so that you can pay 150K, 200K for a small one-bedroom unit, which is really inexpensive for the Bay Area living right now. The issue with those properties and condos is that there’s still a, there’s still a monthly fee. So you’re seeing like 3, 000, 4, 000 fee. So you do have to take into account. Okay. How much is it going to cost to have a 24/7 caregiver versus paying a monthly fee at these facilities that take care of you, right? So
[00:06:59] Fred Glick: None of us are qualified to actually tell you what to do with this. So seek out professional advice. That’s definitely it. We’re just throwing out things and why the market is as ugly as it is. I mean, we still talk every day to new people trying to get in the market and then explain things to them.
And we just lost one this week where there was 11 bids and we were number 11. Is that right?
[00:07:25] René Pérez Jr.: Well, so now, I mean, there’s a couple, right? I can talk to you guys about the current offers that we made in place, and here are the things with new buyers. When we get a new buyer, we understand you’ve never worked with us before, we understand that you might be new to the market, and that even though you trust us and you want to believe us, you still want to see and try and see what happens.
So we were bidding on a property that was listed at 2, 950, 000. Now, whenever it’s close, whenever a listing is close to the number below the other million, so if it’s going to be, you know, 1 million, you know, 999, 000, whenever it’s really close to that, you know, it means that they are looking for something above that. It’s just straight simple, right? It’s never going to be,
[00:08:13] Fred Glick: It’s a marketing thing.
[00:08:15] René Pérez Jr.: It’s a marketing thing. Now, the comparables are in the area. They’re showing where the sale price is going to be closer to 3.3. So, you know, I advise plans. We advise plans to like, okay, what, where’s the general sentiment of the market?
“It’s like, oh, well, it’s our first offer. We want to bid this.” And it’s totally fine, but they bid, you know, 50,000 above list. Which in no universe would that make sense? And it ended up being that we were the lowest bid of eight offers. They ended up picking a bid that was above 3.3, meaning that it’s close to 400K above the current list price. And a seven-day cash closer. So that means
[00:09:00] Fred Glick: And guess what, people? That sets a new comp for the area. And guess what the next house is going to be listed at?
[00:09:06] René Pérez Jr.: The other deal that we did there was it’s a fixer. I mean, so we do look at the trends of every market. Every market markets differently.
Some are more in tune with being transparent. And obviously, like, even if you’re as transparent as possible since there’s so many buyers, you do create that crazy bidding, but that’s, I mean, you can bid it with a seller would want to accept, but people are still crazy enough. And you know that there’s more interest where it’s going to go even higher than expectations.
So that does happen, but in markets like Piedmont and El Cerrito, Richmond in the East Bay of the Bay Area people market things incredibly low. I mean, things go a million over ass because people want to price the listings and that’s insane. But there was a listing, it was listed at 860.
[00:09:53] Fred Glick: It’s unethical.
[00:09:54] Drew Thomas Hendricks: It is. Well, how is it? How does someone mismarket it by a million dollars? How does that tactic work for them?
[00:10:00] Fred Glick: Because okay, here’s the game. This is what they do. They stay in the cellar. Look, here’s a great idea. Your house is going to sell for a million dollars. We know that. Here’s the comps. No problem.
But we’re going to list it for 725, 000. Really? Why are you going to do that? Well, that means you’re going to get everybody who’s looking between 500, 000 and 700, 000. You know most of them are going to come and look at the property. So we’re going to get tons of interest and it’s going to be tons of offers.
And I can tell other agents, there’s tons of interest in 200 packages were downloaded. Okay. Let’s get down to reality. Reality is there’s eight people who sort of are in that 1 million range, period, not 300, 000. So all you did is you hosted an open house. Okay, or two and then had lots of offers and you pissed off, you know, a whole bunch of people thinking they had any possibility of being able to get the sense, you know, any experienced agent who knew it in the area knows it’s a joke.
So it’s horrible. Why? Why do you let people waste their time and waste their exuberance? And because this is an emotional thing for most people,
[00:11:22] Drew Thomas Hendricks: They’re trying to get that emotion in there. I guess they can brag that they sold it for 300, 000. We’re asking.
[00:11:28] Fred Glick: Please let me add another thing.
When they have open houses, they ask “Oh, do you have an agent? Do you have an agent? Do you have an agent?” Because they want to farm the place for new, fresh buyers that they can have and they make friends with them and they don’t tell you what they make, what they charge. They just want to be your friend, so you can be part of the system.
It’s pathetic. Yeah. Anyway, I’m sure you guys are tired of me bitching about this, but okay.
[00:11:58] René Pérez Jr.: I think it’d be crazy to think about, but maybe a good idea to list a property without a price, you know?
[00:12:06] Fred Glick: Oh, I love that idea. I’ve always loved that because then as a buyer broker, you got to do your homework.
You got to tell the buyer why it’s worth this, why you should pay this. I love that. Then it’s totally analytical.
[00:12:20] Drew Thomas Hendricks: You know, that reminds me of a company we worked with a while back. It’s, I guess it’s very popular in Australia. The auction process.
[00:12:26] Fred Glick: Yeah. Yeah.
[00:12:27] Drew Thomas Hendricks: On the doorstep, like in Australia.
[00:12:32] Fred Glick: We actually can do them, but I don’t know how to do them.
I mean, have to bring on an auctioneer and I’ll bet it would do what’s on the MLS.
[00:12:39] René Pérez Jr.: It’s just, the thing is, there’s no perfect way to do this because let’s say that you have auctions like probate sales, for example, those are perfect examples of auctions, but it limits the buyer pool because you have to take a 10 percent cashier’s check to the court.
Right? So that limits all mortgage. So that limits a lot of the mortgage buyers or people that go into court without knowing that they need a 10 percent cashier’s check. Then it gets even more emotional because people right next to you are bidding. And you have the lawyer, the judge says, anyone wanna go higher?
And it’s like 10 K. It’s 10 K increments. So you’re just back and forth, agents, screaming each other. The math, you know, just stop.
[00:13:21] Fred Glick: Yeah, it’s stupid. It is totally stupid.
[00:13:24] René Pérez Jr.: Auctions sound amazing, but you don’t have the other problem of just getting it to it, it’s just stupid.
[00:13:33] Fred Glick: And you know, we want to make sure like when we’re enlisting agents, we make sure that they have a real mortgage approval, that the bank statements they gave us are legit.
I, you know, we read the contract specifically, see if there’s any other additional conditions they put in there. So we do a thorough review of that. And it’s amazing how sometimes the highest offer isn’t the highest offer, you know, you can make a contract subject to anything if you think you can get away with it.
And sometimes things, you know, here’s another thing. We make sure which boxes are checked correctly. We’ve had so many times where the agent just didn’t read it. They were so excited about the price and the closing date. They didn’t read page two. And hey, we got our title company and we got you know, 14 days for inspections or something, you know, cause they don’t read.
[00:14:27] Drew Thomas Hendricks: And the process doesn’t end right after the home inspection. There’s the whole process after the home inspection.
[00:14:36] Fred Glick: Yes, let’s get into that. Okay, so let’s say you signed a contract for a home and one of the contingencies is a home inspection. You have X number of days to get the inspection done, get the report, and respond to the seller.
So if it says 10 days, that means on the 10th day you have to tell the seller what you’re doing or you’ve waived your time. So within the 10 days, let’s say you’ve got the inspection and there’s, I don’t know, just to make up a few things, there’s a problem with the electrical box. There’s a problem with, let’s say I don’t know, René give me a good one. The dishwasher doesn’t work.
[00:15:25] René Pérez Jr.: Well, I mean, just the easy one, right?
[00:15:28] Fred Glick: Oh, well, that’s let’s not even get into that. That’s a whole different, that’s another show by the way. Okay, so, plumbing, electric, you know, things that the house can’t function without. That’s, the water heater is going bye-bye. The heater’s kaput.
So now you go back to the seller and you say, you know, here’s the thing. You have to negotiate something. So you either can say, look, I’m out of this deal. And we’ve had buyers who just completely freaked out. It just didn’t want anything wrong. And just, that was it. Then you can do that. You have your right to do that in the contract.
Again, this all boils down to whatever contract you signed and both you and the seller agreed to. So I caution you to go to your lawyers or agents or whatever your individual thing. So anyway, where was I? Okay, so you’re going back to the seller, so you can get out of it, or you can negotiate. Now, here’s the things you can negotiate.
You can negotiate a reduction of the sale price, which will also, if you’re getting a mortgage, reduce your mortgage amounts, you’re saving interest that way over the long run, or a credit for an amount that if you are getting a mortgage, and this is really important if you’re getting a mortgage, there’s limitations on how much of a credit you can get.
That’s number 1. And the credit that needs to show and the agreement must be for the seller agrees to pay your closing costs and escrows. So, basically, the fees, everything but the down payment, you can get things credited against. So, if you get a 100, 000 house and a 6, 000 closing cost, you can get up to a 6 percent credit.
The coverage, you don’t have any closing costs. You can never call it for repairs because then the lender is going to want to see what those repairs were. And then they’re going to want to see what those repairs cost. Then if they agree, which they usually don’t, they’ll escrow one and a half times the amount of that escrow from you.
And you have to get the work done and then they’ll give you back the escrow money. So you don’t want to go down that road. So it’s just really important. The contract addendum is written correctly and agreed to by both parties. So that’s another thing. So everybody’s got to agree to this. So let’s go back to the credit.
So you got to, before you write the addendum you have to go to your lender and say, “Lender, how much of a credit can I get?” Period. And then they’ll tell you and then you’ll be able to do this because you’ll know the maximum credit you can get. You might even do a combination of a credit and a reduction in the sale price.
You can do that. It just depends or the seller can agree, “Hey, I’ll put in a new heater. I’ll put in a new hot water heater. I’ll put in a new dishwasher.” Because that’s his, he owns an appliance store or something, you know, give you top-of-the-line stuff and then, okay, great. So there are a variety of things.
It’s going to depend on the seller. Now, one thing about the dollar amounts I want to bring up, there is now a company out there, and I can’t remember the name, and I’m sure René doesn’t remember, that you can upload your home inspection to, and I think it’s pretty much AI. Goes and it figures out the different things that need to be repaired and gives you an approximate cost of what it’ll be.
It’s something to use to negotiate with the seller. We use Inspectify for our clients and they have that as an option. Fix a couple of days after the inspection though. But they have that I think they can do a rush for 50 dollars. I think that’s the fee. And that, so you have something to show the seller, “Hey, this is what the numbers are going to be.”
As opposed to trying to get a plumber and electrician and a carpenter out, you know, cause you want to get it rocking and rolling. You don’t want it to linger for two weeks. So that’s kind of how you negotiate after you get a home inspection. Oh, termites same way they can do it. Or you can wait, get the credit or the other thing they can do is pay the termite company in advance.
And so at closing, it’s already paid by the seller.
[00:20:16] Drew Thomas Hendricks: Another reason to use a professional that sells more than one home a year is you got to be able to know how to navigate these inspections and negotiate after it.
Rene, how about you? What’s your, what’s your words of wisdom on home inspections negotiation?
[00:20:32] René Pérez Jr.: I think it’s just getting them done. And you know, like
[00:20:36] Drew Thomas Hendricks: Well, what about waiving? What about the point where people waive all inspections?
[00:20:40] René Pérez Jr.: Fred talks about inspections and termites, and it’s just like they’re all, honestly, sometimes just a bunch of garbage.
You know, it’s like if I’m on the side of buying, I’m not going to get them inspections. You know what I’m going to get is I’m going to get a contractor who goes into the house and takes a look at to give you the actual price of what he’s going to charge you to repair whatever is wrong with the house because the inspection is just a general statement.
They’re always going to say like, well, you should contact an expert on this to do it, unless it’s the foundation. If there’s cracks in the foundations and yes, we want to know what the actual inspection report says, and even for them, you need an actual engineer to go and take a look again. Right. But, you know, you have all these AI tools and blah, blah, blah.
But at the end of the day, like, they’re not going to be able to tell you exactly what the price is going to be for the repairs. The termite does a little different because they do tell your price, but even on termite inspections, they’re always going to price it at the highest level. Right. Because you know that the house is getting prepped for sale, but if you, even if, even if you take that and I advise this, I’d advise this to buyers.
If they take the termite report that they have for quotes and take it to another company, any company that’s highly rated, they’re going to offer different ways to repair that fix of termite and have it be a lower amount.
[00:22:04] Fred Glick: Including green, if you want to go green too.
[00:22:07] René Pérez Jr.: Exactly. I mean, I think, I think for the most part, every cleanup is going to be green.
I don’t think they’re going to, they’re going to try to make it as healthy as possible. I don’t know.
[00:22:17] Drew Thomas Hendricks: Stuff arsenic in the walls?
[00:22:19] René Pérez Jr.: Yeah, but the point is that like you want to like make sure that while you’re in the buying process, you do find a contractor that’s highly rated that’s been by your neighborhood, you know, whenever, even if you’re barely getting into the home buying process, what you should be doing is drive around your neighborhood and if you see a car, if you see like some general contractors fixing or painting the house, it’s good to connect with them because they’re vetted by, they’re vetted by your neighbors.
And then knock on your neighbor’s door and be like, “Hey. Did you like them? How was it?” You know, better than to ask better than to ask to Google. That’s what I said.
[00:22:59] Fred Glick: No, no more COVID. Knock on your neighbor’s doors again.
[00:23:03] Drew Thomas Hendricks: Or in my case, if your neighbor builds fences, hire him to build your fence because you don’t want to hire a competitor to come out and then your neighbors like second-guessing the work and grumpy that he didn’t build your fence.
It’s also easier with property lines when the neighbor who’s in shares reality builds the fence because he knows all the other neighbors.
[00:23:22] Fred Glick: You just gave me an idea. I have a friend of mine who’s an attorney back in the Philadelphia area who had a neighbor who was a nutcase who literally just put stones and stuff on his driveway side.
And the court case that followed was beyond insanity. So, you know, I think it would make a good episode of real estate hell. And he’s a lawyer and what he had to go through and what it would have cost them would have been insane. But he would have actually, he won the entire case, every single thing, and would have won a giant judgment against her for attorney’s fees.
So, but if I can get them to come on and talk about it, it’s, it’s insane. It’s insane.
[00:24:10] René Pérez Jr.: So that’s the other thing about neighbors. It’s like, so sometimes, whenever I go see houses with clients, I see that the house on one wall is like really torn and falling apart. People always say like, “Oh, how much is it gonna cost?”
Be friends with your neighbors. No, it’s not going to happen all the time. You don’t want to go and knock on the door and say like, “Hey, fix it. You need to fix it.” But you know, just kindly say like, “Hey, you know what? I think it would be helpful if you both fix this up. Maybe we have a door that goes into both
our houses.”
[00:24:39] Fred Glick: It will increase our property values.
[00:24:42] René Pérez Jr.: Yeah, simple. But even if it doesn’t increase your value, like it’s just. It’s going to look nicer. So you don’t remember not those costs don’t have to be, you know, spent altogether by yourself, which I want to add that, you know, that’s something that people always think negatively of HOAs, right?
But, if there’s an HOA in your residential area, like a PUD, higher chances that you can get the neighbors to agree on, like, “Hey, we need to have the fences fixed up.”
[00:25:18] Fred Glick: Good news and bad news in HOAs. I, you know, we have clients tell us, I want single family, no HOA. Like, you know, you may have a little HOA, and don’t be scared.
[00:25:32] Drew Thomas Hendricks: You gotta be good at negotiations and good at like actually being friendly to your community without an HOA because you’re policing HOA.
[00:25:41] Fred Glick: But don’t be scared of them.
[00:25:44] Drew Thomas Hendricks: But now it’s somebody moving into a neighborhood that doesn’t have an HOA. What advice do you have to them for like kind of sussing out the neighborhood?
Do you talk up, knock on the neighbor’s doors before you make the offer? Do you just hope for the best?
[00:25:55] René Pérez Jr.: I think at least you should, I mean, you know, it would make sense, like for me, right? Like moving into my house here, just washing the car, you know, outside the garage, sooner rather than later, even if it’s not the first time, you’re going to come across the neighbors walking into their door.
[00:26:14] Fred Glick: This is if you don’t have dogs.
[00:26:17] René Pérez Jr.: Yeah, sure. But I mean, animals love me. So, yeah.
[00:26:22] Drew Thomas Hendricks: Find reasons to be outside and be accessible so that you can kind of
[00:26:26] René Pérez Jr.: There you go. Yes. Actually, yes. That’s actually the best tip. You know, go outside, you know. Breathe, breathe the air. You know, don’t go into your room.
[00:26:37] Fred Glick: Very cool. I like it. We’re in California, you know, I mean, we got the three big cities in California covered here at Bay Area, LA, and San Diego. So
[00:26:51] René Pérez Jr.: Yeah. Well, I mean, there’s just so many like statistics about like how people are so lonely and blah, blah, blah in the era with the most social media.
And it’s because people spend all their lives inside their house. Well, so.
[00:27:05] Fred Glick: Right, because you’re going to be asked about the show you saw on Netflix last night and you have to, you know, spend three hours at home on your phone watching it, you know? Yeah. First-world problems.
[00:27:16] René Pérez Jr.: All your social media accounts.
[00:27:18] Fred Glick: First-world problems.
[00:27:19] René Pérez Jr.: I shut down my Amazon account because it’s so easy to order things.
[00:27:24] Drew Thomas Hendricks: Oh, I thought you were using it for social media. I was trying to figure it out. Yeah.
[00:27:30] Fred Glick: So – you signed up for their socials. Unless you were like the number one product reviewer or something.
[00:27:38] René Pérez Jr.: I want to be a number one reviewer for Yelp because I know that they have like a whole bunch of like events for.
Like the top Yelp reviewers, Yelp reviewers, and stuff, but
[00:27:47] Fred Glick: I never took to Yelp. Never did. With Google, you know, it’s like Yelp, I don’t know. The restaurant.
[00:27:54] Drew Thomas Hendricks: Well, when they gave the reviews, you gotta pay to get your competitors off of there. Right. As a digital agency, we spend a lot of time trying to convince people not to promote Yelp.
It causes a lot unless you’re in restaurants. For most things, it’s not the best avenue.
[00:28:11] Fred Glick: And basically, if you type the word best, best anything, it’ll come up with Yelp of the top. So that’s, that’s the strategy. If you type in best, you’ll get Yelp.
[00:28:24] Drew Thomas Hendricks: Yep. To every client that wants to rank for the term best, best real estate firm in San Francisco, you’re never gonna do it.
You’re only going to, you’re only going to be able to get, all the aggregate sites.
[00:28:35] Fred Glick: If you’re asking that question. God bless you. Your time is over hook up with somebody who knows, find it, find an 8-year-old.
[00:28:46] René Pérez Jr.: Well, that’s why word of mouth is so important, right? Because you’re at restaurant stuff, right?
The best restaurants are not going to be found on these sites. It’s going to be by the locals. I’ve lived there for 10 to 15 years.
[00:28:58] Fred Glick: Oh yeah. Although
[00:29:01] Drew Thomas Hendricks: I do use Yelp for restaurants. If you go to a restaurant and you see like I mean Yelp can shut down a restaurant if you get it. I mean one star, one star, one star.
Like sometimes I’ve been eating at a restaurant and I’m like this place sucks. And then I look at the Yelp thing and I’m like should’ve looked at it sooner. I agree with every comment.
[00:29:18] Fred Glick: You know what? Your AI is going to have a lot of fun with this podcast. It’s all over the map today.
[00:29:24] Drew Thomas Hendricks: To those listening still, we are demoing a new AI thing. Reader AI.
And we’re just going to summarize this and just make magic. Check in next week and let you guys know how it is.
[00:29:36] Fred Glick: Yeah, hopefully, maybe it can do my hair better, you know, I’m waiting for that AI. Or is that the robot that I talked about? Use it at Granny’s house to take care of her, bring it home, and get your hair done.
That’d be great. It’ll be Rosie. I want Rosie.
[00:29:53] René Pérez Jr.: You should dye your hair, you should dye your hair like pink or purple or something.
[00:29:57] Fred Glick: Oh yeah, that’ll go over well. No, sorry. Pass those days for you young kids. No, at my age, it’s dark and it’s still long. So
[00:30:12] Drew Thomas Hendricks: Silver Fox and Silver Lake.
[00:30:14] René Pérez Jr.: Actually.
[00:30:15] Drew Thomas Hendricks: This has been another episode of We Fixed Real Estate. Any last words? Fred?
[00:30:19] Fred Glick: Yeah. Hang on. Bodhi. Oh, look at him. Say hi. Okay,
[00:30:26] Drew Thomas Hendricks: Looking good.
[00:30:26] Fred Glick: He’s exhausted. It’s been looking for the ball. I threw it down and I have no idea where it was, but it’s nowhere he could find, so that’s good.
That’s the best way. Oh, yeah. Ball is just gone. I’m not even gonna go look for it. If you have one of these, you know, he’s a double doodle. A double doodle. His mother and father were both doodles.
[00:30:52] Drew Thomas Hendricks: Oh, so that’s like an F3 or something. Yeah, I’ve got a, I’ve got a doodle, but he’s only a first-generation doodle. Got it.
[00:30:59] Fred Glick: Yeah. This kid is second generation and Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs, but very sweet and very smart and very annoying. What’s that?
[00:31:10] Drew Thomas Hendricks: Oh, except for finding the ball.
[00:31:12] Fred Glick: Oh yeah. Of course, he’s already found another ball. Okay. Yes. All is well. Exactly. All is well. All right. That’s it. Hey, enjoy the playoffs. You’ll probably hear this after the playoffs.
[00:31:26] Drew Thomas Hendricks: Probably.
[00:31:27] Fred Glick: Or we could do this for any playoffs. I could be talking Stanley Cup. But anyway, go Flyers. Goodbye.
[00:31:34] Drew Thomas Hendricks: Go Flyers.